Easy Plant-Based Recipes
Enjoy easy-to-follow plant-based recipes that are healthy, vegan and customizable to your preferences. Experience a variety of health benefits by simply adding more plants to your plate.
Quinoa Salad Recipe
Need a quick, healthy, and delicious meal? This Quinoa Salad Recipe is a vibrant combination of nutrient-dense...
Lemon Blueberry Loaf Cake
Lemon Blueberry Loaf Cake An easy recipe for a simply sweet and deliciously moist lemon blueberry loaf cake. Make this...
Healthy Greek Spaghetti
Healthy Greek Spaghetti Need a 15 minute meal? This quick and easy Greek Spaghetti recipe is so easy to make and so...
Chopped Green Goddess Salad
Chopped Green Goddess Salad This simple Green Goddess Salad is so delicious and easy to make. It's made with...
Carrot Cake Baked Oats
Carrot Cake Baked Oats Nutritious and delicious, this Carrot Cake Baked Oats recipe is one of my favorite ways to eat...
Chocolate Baked Oats
Chocolate Baked Oats This healthy Chocolate Baked Oats recipe is so easy to make and so delicious. It's like...
Healthy Quinoa Salad
Healthy Quinoa Salad You'll love this quick and easy quinoa salad recipe that's loaded with flavor and...
Easy Jasmine Rice Pudding Recipe
Craving a sweet treat that’s comforting and easy to make? This Easy Jasmine Rice Pudding is the perfect dessert or...
Sweet Potato Black Bean Soup
Sweet Potato Black Bean Soup This Sweet potato black bean soup is a simple dinner recipe that's healthy, hearty...